Friday, March 6, 2020


Once at camp when I was about 10 our cabin had an unofficial award ceremony. I remember receiving the Quiet award.  Truthfully plenty of people have probably given me the" quiet award" throughout my life not just a group of 10 years olds. It's easy to give someone the quiet award or the loud award or even the obnoxious award. The petty award the Passive aggressive award the rude award. Or even the pretty award. It's very easy to label people.  Its easiest to look at a person make a quick inference and roll with it not attempting to get to know them further.
I'm definitely good at doing that. With a lot of people. Only the people whom I know very well do I know beyond some manmade award.
Yea I've been quiet before.  I've also been loud. Silly. Obnoxious. Petty. Argumentative. Last night I laughed til I couldn't breathe about a silly picture on Facebook.
If I were less quiet my imagination might be less powerful and I'm not sure I'd want to trade that. 
So you can give people labels and titles and make assumptions but unless you know the person inside and out it's most likely not accurate. 
You're not the quiet one. Or the loud one. Or the brave one. The smart one or the stupid one. You're you. A multifaceted individual with a million different habits quirks and feelings. You own who you're are, no one else.

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