Thursday, April 30, 2020

It's only a mess

Messes can be cleaned up
But first the fire has to wane
Messes have to run their course
Making you insane
Insanity's storm tatters peace in pieces
It feels like you're inside out
But the emotions it releases
Are without a doubt
Cathartic and important
Cleaning out the mess inside
Emotions can feel like
A roller coaster ride
Everybody makes messes
Everybody's not a pain
Let grace be the umbrella
That catches all the rain
You may be picking up the pieces
Of your disheveled heart
You may fall at times but you
Will never fall apart.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

We're gathered at the table
We pray no-one will kvetch
The prayers are lasting too long
When will it be time to stretch
Aunt Ruthies perfume
Makes me want to sneeze!
Was that Elijah at the window?
Or just a spring time breeze?
Can my cousin please not kick me
Underneath the seat?
If he does it one more time
I swear he is dead meat
and by the way, MOTHER!
When is it time to eat?
She tells me to shush!
It's just a minute more
Uncle Morty won't stop kibbitzing
He is such a bore.
I'm not eating the gefilte
Looks too much like cat food
Bubbe says to take a bite
If I don't it will be rude.
We look for afikomen
Cousin Shira takes the lead
But this is my house
She'd better remember
That I'm the matza king
I find it in the cupboard
The little kids burst into tears
Hey, it is my dollar
I find it every year.
The seders finally over
Bubbe coughs, ahem!
I give her a kiss,
She whispers " Next year in Jerusalem!"

Friday, April 10, 2020


We hide the afikomen
We find it every year
No matter how it's hidden
Hope is always here.
Afikomen is a symbol
Of greater things to come
The seders grand finale
Seeking, searching fun.
There's a price for afikomen
The rabbi buys it back
There is no price for freedom
And freedoms what we have
We sing the mi cha mocah
And we celebrate
Knowing that redemption
Is never, ever late. ❤