Saturday, May 30, 2020


Don't mind me
But if you do
I have one request of you
Pardon the dust
Inside my heart
Unless where I am
Is where you are
For if where you are
Is where I be
I know you
And you know me
And you know?
Knowing sets you free.
Don't mind me
But if you do
May I travel on this road with you?

Yesterday everything made sense
And now it's a scratched out page
Flimsy paper
Assaulted by the eraser
Of a shitty nights sleep
Dreamless nightmares
Of grey darkness
Switch current mood to
Not today
Because if I lift a finger
Or say a word
Nothing, nothing will come out right.
So I use silence
As a cloak of hiddeness
Silence is safe
Silence never intentionally hurts anyone
It never breaks anything
not the elephant in the room
But the invisible melody
Lulling frantic thoughts
To sleep
Rewind until
Today is yesterday
And tomorrow is unwritten, still.

Friday, May 22, 2020

As I watch the sun fade away
Into his own shadow
Done for the day
The world closing up shop
As owls take over
The mockingbirds song
Night fades into herself
Like a folded garment
Until shadows descend
Over earth
Cooling her brow
Hushing her worries
Shabbat shalom
Good night
Lila tov. 🌙