Friday, May 21, 2021

 You are worth celebrating

Just because you're alive

You don't need a bag of tricks

Or to work from 9-5

You are a miracle

Without even trying

If someone tells you otherwise

They are definitely lying.

You don't need credentials

To matter on this earth

You need breath in your lungs

And a day of birth

Society is backwards

 it's measurements are wrong

Nobody has to prove a thing

Nor do they have to be" strong"

"The weak will be the strongest"

That isn't even true

Because it's not a contest

You matter cause you're you.

There is no race in life

Cept for the illusion

That we are in a race

We're not, sorry for any confusion.

We are human beings

And beings are just so

If you learn nothing else in life

You has value

This I know.

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