Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Shades of blue

Royal blue:  be seated!
Cerulean:  but i can flyyyyyyy.
Royal blue: you have too much green in you its why you are crazy. Sit down the movie is about to start.
Cerulean: darling. I AM the movie.
God almost made me red. But he had a better idea so he made meeeee!
Royal blue: the last word in every sentence doesn't have 13 vowels in it. Sit down.
Cerulean: youuuuuu sit down. I can fly.
Sky blue: come fly in me! I'm your vehicle.  I host the creative cloudy process.
Royal blue: stop talking. Stand straight. This is not a game. This is a movie and its starting.
Cerulean: if you would stop being bossy butt you could be my CO star!  This is MY movie. This whole WORLD is my movie. You think I'm part of a rainbow? I AM the rainbow!
I'm NOT telling you to sit down because you are in my way. I'm telling you to sit down because that's what YOU want to do. I want to be the star!!!
 Navy blue: down and give me 20! Just kidding. Hey if you're a star shine in me. I'm dark. But inviting.
Turquoise: hey everyone mellow out. Let cerulean do his thing. Its his thing you know? I'm busy rolling in the ocean waves. Anyone care to join me?
Royal blue. EVERYONE BE QUIET! this is a movie.
Sky blue. Don't you get it man? We are all the stars.
Royal blue. Stars are NOT blue! They're...uhh
Regular blue: um contrary my royal friend the hottest stars are.
Cerulean- amen!
sky- woot! I knew it! We are hot!
Royal blue- we are loud. EVERYONE be quiet. This is no way for colors to behave! 
Cerulean- this is how stars behave. They.....shine. That's right. Shine! Some shine loud some shine quietly. But we are ALL stars in our own movie. And if I sit and be quiet I can't see or be seen! Then who would I be? Oh 
Well thats ok. You do you. But I'll do me. Loud proudest a little bit green. Slightly pushy but never mean. Beautiful creative maybe queer when it comes to beauty I have an ear. Eccentric restless moody and sweet. Mixed up fixed up perfectly.... Me.

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