Tuesday, April 23, 2019


I don't normally write blogs because I don't usually have the patience but in the spirit of Passover I have been thinking. God has parted a lot of seas in my life this past year. A lot. And I am very grateful, but sometimes i am forgetful! Just like the israelites when's they received their freedom. Joyful one minute. Slaves again the next. This year I have seen freedom from financial stress. I have enough money now. I'm no millionaire. But I am not terrified of when is my next paycheck coming and can I make it till then, and if not who can I borrow from and did I pay them back from last time??? Yet I still own very little because I am afraid of spending money. I'm still in that poor mindset. Its great to save but It's ok to breathe!!!
A terrible un diagnosis.
Some person who is absolutely not a psychologist suggested I had aspergers/ autism. Being also not a psychologist I believed them never mind the loads of evidence that suggests the contrary. So I'm free. I was tested in preschool came back a no yet some days I still feel impaired. Its not neurological its psychological and its bondage. And its phooey. 😀😀😀 I can do whatever I set my mind to and I'm not limited in the least.
Ok. This one is sad. My father is gone. I miss him and I miss the person he was. He helped me grow a lot when I was er growing up. That being said the bond of depression is broken in our family. Its a bittersweet freedom. No more fear but no more dad and i miss our times with him.
I wish there was some way I could help those struggling with depression.
The Jews hated being slaves (whats to love?) But they were terrified of freedom because it came with responsibility.  The good news if we recieve the freedom we have the strength to drive this beautiful vehicle. It might be going 20 mph for awhile, but don't worry. God won't honk at you to go faster. He will patiently wait while you try it on and find your pace.

Life is always uncertain. We will be asked to face our fair share of challenges.  But make no mistake about one thing. We are free. Bondage and slavery have NO part in the human experience. It means my fathers disease was not mine. It means someone else's guess as to why I am the way I am does not have to define me.  Everyone is entitled to their opinion. However I absolutely do not have to strap it to my back and haul it around like a donkey!  I am free to see myself the say I choose. If you got this far than you for reading and enjoy your freedom its your greatest gift. ❤

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