Wednesday, January 9, 2019

They want you to write happy
Like Facebook memes
Jelly beans worth of humor
Fit into their tiny attention span
So they can like you
And themselves
And poetry.
So you think of the last funny thing you heard
And try to make it into a poem.
Or write about cats.
So your poem can be the equivalent of a funny cat video.
Then everyone will like you.
And the important uncomfortable stuff will be filed into your memory
Like a stuffed animal
Oragamied into an easter eggs
Its plush oozing out of the plastic
Like your passion oozing out of your head.
Meanwhile you have a crappy cat poem
And you would rather clean a litter box
Than read it out loud
But that's what the people want.
Midway you ball up your catastrophe
And write the real thing
Comfortable with the uncomfortable theme.
Crying and holding your breath
Don't feel the same
You are tired of playing the cat poem game
Words breathe out
Like a hissing balloon
Cats out of the bag
Couldn't happen too soon
You sacrificed novelty
For freeze dried truth.
Perhaps you succeeded
Or perhaps this is bad
But the time was had
For the moment Im glad.

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