Saturday, January 18, 2020

Winter isn't always fun what with having to scrape ice off of everything and frostbite is a real concern.  But as Disney shows us in Frozen 1 and 2 with a little bit of magic anything can be beautiful!❄

Icy blasts are dancing
Showing off charades
Particles of snow, romancing
Winter wonderland parade
Ice floes are forever
Reaching to new heights
Creation always clever
Enhancing winter nights
Snowflakes fall from heaven
Galavanting all around
Painting pretty pictures
In every sleepy town
Full of joy and wonder
Curious eyes can see
A myriad of beauty
Peaceful poetry.
Rivulets of raindrops
Kiss the frozen skies
Inside of winters slumber
Potential beauty lies
In the silent season
When natures in a trance
Potential energy awaits
The oppurtunity to dance.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

It's called growth

It's said you can't speak
Against something you've done
It makes you a hypocrite
We sinned in the garden
Its in our veins
If we don't speak against it
We'll repeat it again.
We're inclined to evil
Leaning into it like a rock
Supporting the revenge filled plot
Looking for justification in the plight for justice.
Until our heart is ready to gasp for peace
Awakened, we stamp a scarlet letter on
Sin we committed yesterday
Others point and laugh
How can you of all people
Attone then condemn?
Taking a deep breath
Searching inside
You answer without an ounce
Of irony or pride
Declaring your faith
That you can change
The heart of God can rearrange
The sin stained heart
And make it new
Even a slug
Like me or you
We're on a journey
It's called growth
Its filled with hurt
But filled with hope
Each day a battle of right and wrong
Sometimes we're weak
Sometimes we're strong
It's called growth
It doesn't come easy
Sin is a part
Of you and me
The first step is to hate
What keeps us from being free
Growth is a miracle
And it starts
When we allow wisdom to change our heart.